30 March 2006


So anyway, as we're on the subject of parsnips, we learn today that parsnip in Russian is pasternak.

Scene 1. Manuscript thumps onto movie moghuls desk.
Dr Zhivago
Boris Parsnip

Scene 2. Movie Mohgul 'Oh please.....' (cut to script landing in the trash can)
there, 20th century cinema history re-written...........doddle.

pasnipinomy (adj/noun): the tendency of vegetables to re-write history


Petunia's Gardener said...

Can't say I've ever had parsnips myself. I looked them up in my seed catalog and sure 'nuf, there they are. How do you like to prepare them for eating? My favorite line in the cat. is "do not step on or near the bed at any time until harvest." Maybe they didn't grow well in the hot summers where I grew up. I need to expand my veggie world! Thanks for the nice pic. comments.

clodhopper said...

Go for it! Nothing like a garden/culinary adventure. See next post for further details (too long for here), and let us know if you give it a go.

Anonymous said...

thank you nice sharing

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